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김범 팬미팅(Kim Bum's fan meeting)

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Sunday, February 28, 2010 @ 7:20 PM


Hi all! Thank you for visiting my blog!!

I just wanna post something, but I don't know what I must post...

Tomorrow, maybe I can't post again, because there're so many daily school tests

So, I post again in Thusrday or Friday!!!

Once again, thank you!!

Saturday, February 27, 2010 @ 7:28 PM
`Top K-Drama

@ 7:02 AM
`New K-Drama

Master of Study

16 episodes - Mon, Tue 21:55
“Entering Korea’s top prestigious university is a breeze if you are equipped with perseverance, study skills and a careful strategy”
Kang Seok-ho, a former juvenile delinquent–turned-lawyer, is requested to take care of the liquidation of Byeong-mun High School. Looking at the difficult situation the school goes through, Seok-ho decides to save the school and the one and only solution he comes up with to keep the school from breakup is produce as many as Cheon-ha University (CU) applicants.
Seok-ho expects that if the school continues to increase the number of CU applicants every year, more students want to apply for the school, and that helps Byeong-mun overcome its financial difficulties. He is allowed to set up a special class on condition that he would bring 5 students in three days and raise their grades to the point where they can enter Cheon-ha University without difficulty.
Meanwhile, a group of creditors barges into Hwang Baek-hyeon’s place. Baek-hyeon, a student of Byeong-mun high, is a juvenile delinquent who has no interest in study. Out of sympathy, Seok-ho mobilizes all the knowledge he can to save Baek-hyeon’s family. He emphasizes the importance of learning to Baek-hyeon by saying “If you don’t want to be deceived by others, all you can do is study, study and study!!!”
Full of great anticipation, Seok-ho embarks on the special class. He makes the five students live together and invites high-profile instructors.
Now the journey to reviving the troubled Byeong-mun high begins!

Friday, February 26, 2010 @ 1:58 PM

My nephew's birthday..

Today, my nephew's having a birthday...
His name is Juan...
This is his first birthday...

Sorry because I can't upload his picture now.....
Maybe next tine...
You can view his photo on Facebook

HE'S SO CUTE!!!!><

@ 11:10 AM


The popular girl group SNSD has sold over 100,000 copies of their last three albums, impressing many music listeners. With their latest album, they surpassed 100,000 mark by far!

The song Oh! has been winning the #1 spot on music charts and programs. The album itself has sold over 150,000 copies already and they are expecting it to pass the 200,000 mark soon.

It’s rare for an artist to surpass the 100,000 mark, let alone the 200,000 mark. We can definitely say that SNSD has reached the top in terms of popularity and sales.

An associate said, “SNSD’s sales are Korea’s best. They are a national representative so I think they will break more records.”

SOURCE: Alkpop

@ 7:01 AM
`Now, about 이승기...

I don't like Seung Gi..
I just wanna share this news..
There's a news that he will come to Indonesia..
I received a message from KOREANHOLICS GROUP.

The message is..:

"anyong.. chingudeul..
ada kabar bguuus bwat kaliand pnggemar beraaat
lee sung gi. gw dpt kbar nih dr FB w production....

Dear all W

Kita barusan dpt beberapa offers dr Korea utk FM. Salah
satunya adalah utk Lee Seung Gi. Dia main di film seri "Brilliant
Legacy" yang ditayangin di Indosiar. Mgt dia offer ...ke kita utk FM di
Jakarta dengan details di bawah ini :

Fans Meeting Date : 1 May
Duration : 100 minutes
Programme : Lee Seung Gi bakal nyanyi 4
lagu, play games, handshake, autograph session etc.

Harga tiket
utk FM ini akan kita bagi ke 3 class :

VIP : Rp. 2.000.000-
(includes handshake & autograph session, numbered seating)
Gold :
Rp. 1.300.000- (includes handshake & autograph session, numbered
Silver : Rp. 600.000- (either free seating or standing)

soal harga tiket, itu sudah fix, tidak bisa turun karena fee utk Lee
Seung Gi cukup mahal.

Bedanya VIP dengan Gold dan Silver adalah
lokasi duduk VIP pasti paling depan, Gold di tengah dan SIlver di
belakang. VIP & Gold juga bisa ikut autograph session & dpt
handshake dengan Lee Seung Gi.

Utk yg tertarik dengan FM Lee
Seung Gi ini please reply here. Tlg reply jg kalo kalian tertarik beli
tiket kelas apa. Kalo kalian ada input2 lg mengenai Fans Meeting ini, jg
boleh dishare sama kita.

nih link'a. bgi yg brminat, blh d
coment discuss'a..
Facebook Group

coment ditunggu di group..."

If you're seung gi lovers, you can join this Facebook Group first and give comment on its wall...


Thursday, February 25, 2010 @ 5:10 PM
`HEY BUMMY LOVERSS!!! 김범 will come to Indonesia!!


Bummy will come to INDONESIA!!

I'm so happy!!

But it's just maybe, because we need more person to support us...
And not just BUMMY!!!
But also F3+Hye Sun...!!!!

So, please join this Facebook Group, if the members of the group reach 10.000 people, He will come!!!!


@ 4:58 PM

Welcome to my world!!

Hi all, welcome to my blog! This is my first blog...
Thank you for visiting my blog...
Fell free to look around..
But sorry, you can't copy anything from this blog..